Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
what would one do with the armor after they have passed
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-09-02, 20:51:51 ---I would prefer to be buried with mine in full dress with shield. If I have the opportunity to be buried.
--- End quote ---
Same here. Historically, the armor and weapons would not be buried with a knight (it's more of a Viking thing), but there's something very poetic about being laid to rest in full arms.
Sir William:
Well, my intention is to be buried in armor with my sword (already have all that picked out) but the rest of my gear? It'll be at my wife's discretion if I'm not around.
Sir James A:
I'd like to be buried in full armor, with sword, maybe a polearm or two ... but in a random, discreet area. Not a graveyard. So that in 3,000 years, when they are building something in the field and my coffin is dug up, they'll say "oh, somebody was buried here in an unmarked grave.". Then, they'll get curious. And open the coffin. At which point, there will be a skeleton in armor. They'll flip out, have me carbon dated, and find out I was buried in 20xx. And then the historians will start going "Armor went out 500 years prior! What's going on? Did everyone in 20xx wear armor? Was this guy royalty? How is this possible!?"
Sir Nate, let me PM you my address. You can send all your weapons and armor to me. ;)
Sir Nate:
I think I would want my armor to stay in my house. so future generations can say "that is the armor of your great great great grandfather....nate
"how did he die?"
"choked on a chicken bone, at the renfaire in his armor. It's how he would have wanted to die"
Lord Dane:
Traditionally, a knight laid to rest in armor died in battle or as a result of it...
A knight would be always be buried with his arms, by request, unless it passed to his sons, family, Order, etc. The expense factor and personalization of its value to the warrior would dictate that they be laid to rest in such fashion. I like the Greco-Roman and Viking tradition of burning the body in full regalia with honor.
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