Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Sorry I've been gone

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B. Patricius:
hey everyone,

sorry I disappeared for a bit.  I've been keeping up to date (at least a little anyway) with Shawn's progress though via the infernal "book of faces" lol.  Shawn, gotta say bud, your kit is looking awesome!  It dawned on me how long I'd been gone when Sir Ian messaged me asking if everything was okay.

basically, I had something happen because of my sis, and family is family!  :o

so, to start with, everything is fine.  We're all okay. 

but, May 4th, as some of you fellow nerds know, is now "Star Wars Day" lol.  My sister (Meg) and all our friends from her college got together for an amazing Jedi/Sith melee in their grotto lol.  Meg came out with a custom lightsaber I had built her years ago.  I was so upset at the time for her hasbro Darth Maul breaking, I made her one out of T6 aluminum and a 1/8" walled 1" OD polyblade.  Which at the time, 2003 mind you, was revolutionary.  And to her friends, it still is lol

she told them, and Lord help me for it, "My brother made it, he makes them all the time and he's a Lightsaber Combat Master.  You should hit him up."  :o lol and my facebook got blasted! :D  Did I mention I used to do all this?  I hadn't touched a lightsaber since 2005! :D

so, to put it plainly, feeling responsible to her friends... a forum made, facebook group, video instruction, and desperately trying to catch up with today's technology when it comes to lightsabers, yeah... I've been busy!

when it comes to all things medieval, yeah, it's been good.  Still plugging away at my mail.  Slow and steady.  My soft kit for my Templar, minus the cloak and black habit, I am proud to say is completely done.  I have a couple pairs of braies made, St. Louis shirts, and hose.  Let me tell you, me in Mohave County 110 degrees average, cotton flannel on the bias is the most comfortable thing to wear for long legs  8)

I've also still been working with my Knight Instructor, Sir Ian at least once a week.  Man has that been a blast.  I qualified for shinai and ren, happily received perfect 100% on both tests.  Now I just need to study so I can help out as a Marshall too. 

Sir Ian, also, has rubbed off on my Scottish-Gaelic side, not going to lie.
He played me this:

yeah  8) :o
so, needless to say, I bought about 5 yards of saffron yellow and about 9 yards of gorgeous checked green fabric too.  Yeah... I'm going there:

... did I mention I'm an O'Neill?  ;D and thanks to Sir Ian, I think I've gotten my greatsword up to snuff again.  I know my backsword is, no offense to anyone else in the area, but in a true fight, I end up on top every time.

I think it's high time the true "Grumpy Badger" Broc O'Neill made an appearance again.  Especially since everyone in Adria is expecting a Templar lol :D

anyway, sorry for being away for so long.  It's good to be back.  I just wanted to wait until I had something fun to show you guys on video, but yet again, my "camera" is proving less than reliable AGAIN! rrrr

Sir Edward:

Welcome back! Oh boy, talk about letting the cat out of the bag with the lightsabers. I'm sure that can really keep you busy! :)

Welcome back!

Is there another person on here named "Sean/Shaun/Shawn" in Mundania?


--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-08-24, 15:36:37 ---Welcome back!

Is there another person on here named "Sean/Shaun/Shawn" in Mundania?

--- End quote ---

Welcome back Pat,

Thorsteinn, Sir Ulrich's name is Shawn

Sir Ulrich:
Thanks I have been working hard on my kit so far, still have to cut the horseman's slit and replace the butted rings with riveted ones in my hauberk though. My IRL name is Shawn, dont like using it for my persona much cause it doesn't reflect my heritage so I named my persona Ulrich instead to reflect my German heritage.


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