Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Sorry I've been gone

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B. Patricius:
Your avatar looks so great Sir Ulrich.  That kit is amazing!

here's what I'm working on as of late, basically trying to get it ready for Imperial Crown War, 38 hours and counting til I ship out lol.

Pat, I saw you mention on facebook the Fuhlen Designs saffron dyed Leine.  Jessica Finley (Fuhlen Designs is her's) is a member of this forum, and has made some of the pieces of kit that I and Sir Ed own.  I'm 100% sure she'd be willing to answer any questions you have on what she did for that garment.

B. Patricius:
Thanks for that Ian!
that's great she's on this forum.  Her work is absolutely gorgeous!
I added this to my pinterest too of hers:

her Ionar that went with that leine is so beautiful. 

good news, my leine is done, and it's pretty awesome.  It's 90" across from wrist to wrist and goes past my ankles.  It's a big one, which fits with my Broc O'Neill persona.  The O'Neill's aren't exactly known for following British mandates ;)

now I'm getting started to work on my Ionar.  I'm using the same cotton flannel I used for my hose for my Templar.  It was a remnant and I have plenty of it.  I think it, chain stitched, will look gorgeous and clean for a fighting garb's Ionar.   This whole kit is 100% cotton so it's easily maintainable.

When I go to make a 100% linen and wool period kit, I'll definitely have to hit Ms. Finley up for some help with the saffron dying.  This leine is just cotton broadcloth ;D  Scott Cross has been a great help too.

thanks for the help.

I guess I can post it here, see if anyone knows.  Why are the ionar's associated with only the Kern mostly?  Is it because of the period drawings and text?  I figure when a high ranking Galloglaigh isn't in his armor he'd wear an ionar, they're a nice jacket!  I've seen plenty of family wear ionar with their brat and leine when it's cold out. For me, I just simply don't have my hauberk finished yet!  :o

I kind of don't want to post this question on livinghistory.ie or myarmoury for fear of the NoobGunners... I just don't appreciate that attitude.  I may post this on facebook too, but I don't want it "public" until after the war  ;)

and yes, Sir Wolf.  I'll post up a new thread about Broc after the war.  I have 16 hours to get it all squared away, and I know the people I'm making this for lurk on here sometimes too lol (don't know why they won't join) so I want it to be a surprise at war.  The best news, it should look great for shinai combat, my shinai has a nice long hilt and it's a size "39" so it's good and long. 

it's going to be a fun weekend for sure.

thanks for that head's up Sir Ian!


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