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Teutonic great with wings?

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Sir Martyn:
Good discussion here.   First, well done, Dougla!

Ian - while I fully understand the importance of accuracy/portrayal display in LH, personally I lean toward inclusiveness if the ultimate goal of said undertaking is not to only carry on tradition and tradecraft, but also to teach and interest those outside our "niche" - especially the next generation  :D  BTW, where do you participate in LH?  It's an area I'd like to learn more about.


--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2013-11-07, 22:32:45 ---Good discussion here.   First, well done, Dougla!

Ian - while I fully understand the importance of accuracy/portrayal display in LH, personally I lean toward inclusiveness if the ultimate goal of said undertaking is not to only carry on tradition and tradecraft, but also to teach and interest those outside our "niche" - especially the next generation  :D  BTW, where do you participate in LH?  It's an area I'd like to learn more about.

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I started a new thread here so we don't take this thread too far of course :) :,2834.0.html

Don Jorge:
I really like that helm...if you don't mind me asking, where did you get it? I really love Great Helms and the shaping of it...

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2013-11-11, 19:43:38 ---I really like that helm...if you don't mind me asking, where did you get it? I really love Great Helms and the shaping of it...

--- End quote ---

I made that one. It's styled after the Bolzano helm because I liked the Bolzano's somewhat "wide" look. The upper half is a bit tall, but for a prototype, I'm pleased with it.

Got the attachments worked out for the horns. I managed to get them fitted to the helm a tiny bit tighter than is shown here, but there are still a few small gaps in places. Nothing too bad, but I think I nice mantle would fix that. ;) Now I just have to figure out how I want to paint them. Decisions, decision. Probably would have been done a whole lot sooner if I didn't spend so much time trying to make up my mind. :P

Sir Wolf:

now how does it feel on the head? heavy? does it make your head roll to one side or the other? etc?


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