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Teutonic great with wings?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-11-02, 01:12:42 ---Nice work ... However, I feel like the membership is being silently taken over by Teutonic influence. Is there no more love for us poor Templar? LOL

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I've got some Templar gear for next season, but still working on finishing up tailoring my mail. The Templars are just less obvious than the Teutonics. ;)

Sir Douglas:
I have a Hospitaller heater shield that I made a while back. Does that count? ;)

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-11-02, 17:15:59 ---The Templars are just less obvious than the Teutonics. ;)

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Yeah, all that secret society stuff and whatnot. 8)

Pshh. More like their acute lack of a nation-state!  :D

Sir Ulrich:
You did a good job on that man, maybe at DoK 3.0 we can do a Teutonic order presentation, I already have everything I need for that order, hopefully Nathan and Ed can make it that year, they both have Teutonic kits in order. I was the only Teutonic knight at DoK 2.0 so I mostly hung around the Templar encampment and around Joe Metz's tent due to me doing both eras. Considering it looks like you're doing 13th century teutonic that makes me, Nate, You and Ed all doing the same order similar eras. More than enough to make a group, plus the other crusaders at DoK might want to join as well.

Sir Douglas:
I'd really like to attend a DoK event; it looks like a lot of fun. Only problem is that my maille is entirely aluminum, and as I understand it that's a big no-no. I understand why, but it still kind of sucks since I have practically everything else right down to the braies. I wonder if I could get away with just a soft kit and maybe bring down some helms just for display or something. Does anybody do that, or do you need a full armor kit, too?


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