Main > The Armoury
Teutonic great with wings?
Sir Douglas:
--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-08-28, 22:30:48 ---First off,
Douglas, that's a beautiful kit you're sporting. Really nice.
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Thank you, my good sir. :) There's about a year's worth of labor right there, but it's a labor of love. lol
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-08-30, 17:15:12 ---Or you could make them, which honestly isn't too hard.
--- End quote ---
What would you say would be the most efficient and/or accurate way of attaching something like that to a helm? Specifically the ones that come out of the side of the helm.
Crests mounted on the side are way trickier than top mounted ones. Bolts are feasible, but unadvised since you really get the tightness that holds it in place from the sides of the helmet against your noggin.
I suppose you could try using a large screw into the wood from the inside and covering the projecting head with some padding.
Sir Douglas:
This is somewhat pertinent to my original topic.
Here's the helm I'm making to which I had intended to add a crest. I'm still leaning towards the Teutonic "wings" just because I like how they look, but I'm not sure yet; they would probably take a little bit of engineering ingenuity. The original piece that the helm is based on has holes along the top that were supposedly for mounting a crest, so if I poke holes in it, I suppose it would still be "correct" should I decide to remove the crest to use the helm with a different kit.
Or, I might just leave it as is, in which case it wouldn't be relevant to the original topic at all. ::)
Sir Edward:
That should work pretty well. Drilling some holes to have attachments is probably the most accurate way to do it.
Using velcro and magnets like I did, not so much. :)
Sir James A:
Make two helmets, one with holes on the top, one with holes on the side. :)
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