Main > The Armoury

Heraldry question.

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Sir Edward:

Another similar one, with just the leaves, not connected:

"Argent, in pall three linden leaves gules, stems to center."

Sir Edward:

And another:   "Argent, conjoined in pall three thistle leaves vert."

Sir Edward:

I'd be tempted to call it "conjoined in pall three linden leaves"

Sir Vander Linde:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-08-21, 17:37:01 ---
I'd be tempted to call it "conjoined in pall three linden leaves"

--- End quote ---

From what you provided Sir Edward, I would have to agree. That is quite the source on the matter isn't it.

Thank you.  :)

Sir James A:
Great research, Sir Edward. Maybe "conjoined in pall, upon an annulet, three linden leaves"?


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