Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Ren faire

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Sir Nate:
sir edward, I saw you had a suit of gothic armor and you were wearing your glasses, I truly believe I saw you one year at the p.a. one because how many people have glasses and gothic armor. if you did were that to the p.a. faire then im sure it was you i saw.

Sir Ulrich:
I go to NY and NJ ones usually, I met Matthew Leiby at both the NJ one and Mercer County one which was rather nice. I wish I could meet up with more members of this order as well, I just cant drive myself anywhere so I am somewhat limited...

Sir Douglas:
I try to hit PARF at least once a year, sometimes twice. The one closest to where I live, and the one I've been going to the longest is the Pittsburgh RenFest. It's not nearly as nice as PARF, but it's closer to us. Cast in Bronze also plays there, and he's one of my all-time favorite Fair acts.

I went to the Great Lakes Medieval Faire last year, but didn't get to make it this year. Haven't been to MDRF yet, but it's on the to-do list.

Lord Dane:
My home faires are New England based. :) I can bee seen at Connecticut Ren-Faire (Guilford, CT - Spring or Danielson, CT - Fall) and King Richard's Faire (Carver, MA - Fall). I also travel to all other area faires including NYRF (Tuxedo Park, NY) and PARF on occasion.

Sir Wolf:
md is my home faire. although i think pitt is closer to me. i havent been to pa in years...


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