Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Ren faire
Sir Nate:
Hey guys, Im just wondering what ren faires you usually go to. I usually go to the P.A Renfaire, and I have yet to go to the maryland one which Ive heard only good news about. and it seems many members go there. I hope myself to go there next year and possibly the p.a. one again this year.
Sir Edward:
I usually get up to PARF only once every few years, and this year was probably the first time that I've done it for two years consecutively.
MDRF on the other hand, is my home faire. The season starts up this weekend, and will run for 9 weeks. I'm there an awful lot. Usually over 50% of the days, sometimes more like 75%.
Sir James A:
MDRF is my home faire as well. I attended VARF 3 years ago, and have performed with some other Order of the Marshal members on here at VARF the last 2 years.
The faire I consider my home faire is completely out of range for everyone here, as it's the one I grew up with in Tampa, FL. But I mention it only because of it's sweet acronym, the Bay Area Renaissance Festival.... or BARF! :)
We have one around here in South Lake Tahoe about an hour south of me called the Valhalla Ren Faire, and we had one for many years called the Reno Celtic Faire but none would I call home. THe closest thing I would call a home event is May Cynaguan Coronet.
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