It goes the same sometimes in the SCA too, Bill. Unfortunately, the desire to "go
for the crown"as it were, sometimes overshadowed the real importance of the
bout. In my former Atlantian days, we were lauded as some of the hardest hitters.
A lot of guys up here didn't like to fight in the kingdom of Meridies (Georgia), et. al,
because they thought a light shot to the helm was good.
I liked the call because it made a fighter do what he should be doing, not getting hit
at all! It also didnt open up a lot of debate as to whether a shot was light or not.
To my thinking, if you hit me in the face or helm, I obviously didn't see it coming.
A lot of great practices I had with some of the guys down there, and some of 'em
are just blindingly fast!!!!
The one thing they still practice and believe religiously, is taking off a gauntlet to shake a hand when all is said and done.
Back in Atlantia, I have had several chances to witness matches that were just
brawling displays of poor sportsmanship and stupidity. I would have been extremely
embarassed to have been in such. If I was ever in doubt, I let the marshall decide.
After all, he can see what I may not. Besides, as Sir Brian and I have discussed
over many a pint, the idea is to discover your own strengths and weaknesses,
while helping a comrade-in-arms overcome his or her own.
That's the way it always should be, I think, and I actually saw an old friend recently
who asked when I was going to start playing again? I had to tell them that unfortunately, I was putting my energy elsewhere.....