Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

where is the one place you would like to see/visit?

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Sir Nate:
I would love to see Germany, The mountains and villages and oh the beer.

B. Patricius:
Galway, Ireland.  And no.  I'd never come back.  ;D

Sir Nate:
Id visit my family.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I`d like to, one day, be able to visit my brethren on your little island there in the States.

The crusader castles are a must.


B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2013-08-28, 16:38:48 ---I`d like to, one day, be able to visit my brethren on your little island there in the States.

The crusader castles are a must.


--- End quote ---

well said Brother, well said.  As I've said elsewhere, my ranch's door is always open!


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