Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

where is the one place you would like to see/visit?

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Sir Wolf:
where is the one place you would like to see/visit? if of course you had the cash lol

Sir James A:
Every castle in England and Scotland!

If I have to be more specific.. Bodiam Castle, probably? Or the one where they found the tunnel network under it and secret passages, that was tied to royalty?

Lord Dane:
Everywhere!!! I never get out of here. :( But all seriousness....
Farmingham Castle in Suffolk, England.
Love to see the Crusader era castles of the Mediterranean.

Sir William:
I want to see the Templar Church in London; I'd love to see the Crusader castles as well.  I think Sir Gerard's trip to Rhodes looked pretty awesome, too. 

So many to choose from. Hmm.... Santorini? Isle of Mann? Cardiff? Istanbul? Rome?

So many to choose from.


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