Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My life is changing permanently next year. (Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht.)

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-08-22, 00:49:01 ---Scared and afraid that I'll pass on my disorder(s) is more like but thanks. :)

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It's possible that it might happen. But look at it this way-- will you love your child any less for their flaws?

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-08-22, 12:48:23 ---
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-08-22, 00:49:01 ---Scared and afraid that I'll pass on my disorder(s) is more like but thanks. :)

--- End quote ---

It's possible that it might happen. But look at it this way-- will you love your child any less for their flaws?

--- End quote ---

You probably heard this before ...

Nobody is perfect except GOD and children through the eyes of their parents.
You accept all aspects of them from life to death.

Actually Dane, not so much.

Atheist from an irreligious house who's parents grew up Reform Jew-lite.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-08-22, 00:49:01 ---Scared and afraid that I'll pass on my disorder(s) is more like but thanks. :)

--- End quote ---

You've made it this far, and graduated from college, too... I'd not worry so much over that. :)

B. Patricius:
That, and Thorsteinn, bud
it's different now than when we were young.  I remember never being able to be diagnosed.  Now, it's almost the exact opposite.  My little one has it, guaranteed. But you know what, we know it, and can work with it.  She's going to be home-schooled and what she enjoys is what she enjoys.  The rest, if it's required she'll learn certain things must be done.  She won't get lost in the crowd, or become a class clown because of sheer boredom like what happened to me. 

it's why we moved to where we are.  There's an excellent 4H program, and at 30 months, she's already showing an absolute love for horses.  That and right now, she's glued to Star Wars Ep II and desperately wanting me to hurry up and finish her lightsaber  :o lol  ;D there's worse things than being a nerd bud.

and worst case, we're all here for you regardless.


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