Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My life is changing permanently next year. (Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht.)

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So now that both sets of parents & siblings, and a few friends who guessed early, know it's time to tell the world... here goes... it's hard to say, but...

Tama & I are expecting a child.
Baby should be born in February or so.

Sir Wolf:
congrats! nothing better in this world than having the unconditional love of a lil one.
so any cool norse names in the works?

lil fatherly advise that i am learning:

never go to bed angry

Talk to your children not at them

counting to 10 does work in situations

if children are making you frustrated, look at yourself first and see if you are the issue and they just don't understand.
teach your children the way they shall go and they will not depart from it. even as young ones, give them "chores" let them help and it won't be an issue when there older.

Hugs and kisses will make all your troubles melt away.

Sir Brian:
Huzzah and Congratulations!  :)

Sir William:
Sir Wolf, great words of wisdom, some of them certainly work for me.

Thorsteinn, congratulations man...probably the most rewarding job you'll ever have is being a parent.  Enjoy!

Sir Edward:

Congrats! Wow, some good words of wisdom from Sir Wolf!


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