Main > The Great Hall


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Sir Martyn:
Thanks for the warm welcome. 

Indeed I have come to learn, Sir William - a life-long process, it would seem :)

We have visited the MD RenFaire once before and really enjoyed it, so we'll definitely drop over at some point once we're moved back in -- would be even better if MC folks are around to meet for a tankard.  Hope to see you there, Sir Edward.

As I recall they don't allow any swords/weapons in, but as I've read from your experiences wearing kit is welcomed, even encouraged?  Shame we couldn't just bring our period tent over and set up on site :)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, the weapons are forbidden. For a while we were able to skirt the rules by using props (with the hilt glued into the scabbard), but then they clamped down on that last year too.

They're fine with armor and shields, and it's a huge hit with the crowds.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-07-17, 20:42:06 ---
Yeah, the weapons are forbidden. For a while we were able to skirt the rules by using props (with the hilt glued into the scabbard), but then they clamped down on that last year too.

They're fine with armor and shields, and it's a huge hit with the crowds.

--- End quote ---

The irony and hypocrisy being they sell steel weapons within the MDRF.   ??? I'll just have to buy the park I guess. Anyone want to fork over some venture capital? LOL :)

Sir Wolf:
its owned by a family of lawyers. lol your not gonna get it ;)

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum Gareyth. :) May you find much commonality & brotherhood here amongst us. God bless & god speed.


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