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Sir Martyn:
Kindred Spirits -

First allow me to thank you all for ModernChivalry.Org

In reading through your posts, learning of what has drawn so many here, it was immediately clear that part of me had come "home."  If that offends, I beg forgiveness and understanding.  No assumptions, no arrogance is intended.

Suffice to say it brought my heart joy to know that others felt as I did, shared the same passion.  As a child I was always fascinated and drawn to the middle ages and to the concept, role and responsibilities of knighthood in particular. 

Though I admit that there are still noble institutions where the like-minded can learn, commiserate and work for the common good - perhaps the church, civic work and volunteering, Scouting, etc. - somewhere the magic was lost. 

I may be mistaken, but I believe that at least some ills of "modern society" and plaguing young men in particular stem from the fact that we lost at least one clear path to manhood, and the imparting of all the valuable martial but also life lessons along the way, that the path of aspiring knights presented. 

While I have been studied HEMA the last couple of years and enjoy in my view the healthy indulgence in fantasy that LARP offers as well, I would like to add to those interests and learn more about re-enactment and possibly SCA also.  In the last few years and with the good fortune to spend a lot of time in Europe, I've acquired (at times over my wife's objections!) pretty solid kit (appx 14-15 cent).  Recent items I'm most proud of include the Serb-smithed (Novi Sad) plate armor you see in the avatar and a Pavel Moc Lichtenauer.

I am set to return next month to the Washington, DC area from an overseas assignment (Foreign Service) and as I expect to be back in the U.S. for at least the next year, perhaps longer, I look forward to engaging with you all as work/family obligations allow. 

Should there be opportunity to meet in person, perhaps for sparring, kit display, etc. I would welcome that as well as the opportunity to learn more about all of you and the Order.

Sorry for the long, rambling post.  My thanks and regards to you all,

Martin (aka Gareyth)

Well, let me be the first to welcome you to Modern Chivalry! 

Sir Wolf:
i saw him first, i just didn't post.


Sir William:
Welcome to the forums, Gareyth- may your stay be as enlightening and enriching as mine has thus far.

Sir Edward:
Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you'll fit right in. :)

Hey, that's great you'll be in the DC area. The MD renfaire's season runs from the end of August until late in October, so you'll be here just in time to come out and have fun there. I'm usually there for about 60-75% of the days it's open.


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