Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Ugh, I must be crazy (Mass Effect N7 armor cosplay)

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B. Patricius:
how have I missed this!? :D

that's awesome Sir Edward!  It's looking pretty good.  If you have a problem, then I must have a disease! EVA foam sure can be fun.  I still can't believe what I'm using it for, and I just hope the LEDs don't melt it or anything lol.

Sir Edward:

Tonight I got started on the cuisses (nothing worth showing yet), and made some progress on the back details:

Sir James A:
Coming along nicely!

Sir Edward:

I spent most of the day yesterday working on the legs, and got the cuisses and greaves built and strapped, but not detailed, and I still need to add the knees. The strapping took forever, especially since I had to keep experimenting with them. And I'm still not happy with how two of the straps are sitting, so I may have to cut them off and re-do them.

So the main list of things left to do is:

Strapping the shoulders (cuirass and pauldrons)
Attach codpiece + abdominal plate
Waist strap
Details on back plates + collar
Details on cuisses
Details on greaves
Make the knees
Finish the finger details on the gloves

Still a lot to do. And only the next few evenings to do it in.

Sir Wolf:
pics or ban! lol


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