Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Ugh, I must be crazy (Mass Effect N7 armor cosplay)
Sir Edward:
With effectively only two weeks to go (since I'm going away on vacation in the middle of this), I'm trying to get some Mass Effect N7 armor together for the Shore Leave convention...
I must be crazy. :)
And one of the images I'm using for inspiration (part of the ME3 artwork, but I'm making more of an ME2 armor):
Looks nifty!
Sir James A:
Yes, that's definitely crazy time constraints! But if you pull this off, we might have to chat sometime about some Iron Man armor .. it's on my "bucket list".
Have fun at Shore Leave!
Sir Edward:
With a lot of "cutting corners" and ignoring details, I think I can barely pull it off. It's going to be rough though.
I have the chest+abdomen shaped but not assembled, and I have the vambraces and rerebraces shaped as well, and am working on the pauldrons. Haven't started on the back, neck, or legs yet. Or much of the painting (which thankfully will be pretty light, mostly just the red/white stripe on the right side, and edging and the like).
Oh yes, Ironman is totally doable. People make those out of the same foam I'm using.
Sir Edward:
Some in-game shots using the color-scheme I'm aiming for:
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