Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Ugh, I must be crazy (Mass Effect N7 armor cosplay)
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-07-17, 19:00:13 ---need to "stuff" that codpiece. lol or glue a piece on top of it to layer it
--- End quote ---
Here's a weird question- does that thing open up or something? Pretty highly detailed; looks like it should open.
Sir Edward:
No, the codpiece just has some of the foam carved away, and I put some slight curvature into it. Otherwise it's one piece (with a little black backing behind the "buckle" at the top of it).
Sir Edward:
Wow, this is a really nicely done female Shepard cosplay:
And so is this one:
Sir Edward:
And some variations:
Sir William:
The first one, the redhead is cute but the second one? ULTRA HOT...wow. So what's the deal, is Shepard a male or female, or somewhere in between?
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