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hail and well met

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quite possibly, i do hope it was a positive encounter

B. Patricius:

greetings and well met, welcome to the forum!  I'm sure you can see we like to have fun here and yes, Sir Ian got that right btw, at least from his perspective ;)

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-07-01, 20:20:47 ---Hail and well met Moch (Tim) and welcome to the forum!

Ah the grand yet good natured rivalry between Army and Navy - I will abstain from that particular discourse as I served with both the Army and the Navy's estranged yet competent second cousin the Coast Guard. - Navy has nicer ships! ;)

--- End quote ---

QFT - I remember them decommissioning a frigate in harbor, going off to a country in the Carib.  We were so peeved, it was 25 years newer than the long white needle of death we were on! :D

Back to Moch,

sincere well wishes, and thank you for serving.  Keep your head on a swivel and try not to piss off anyone with rockers, railroad tracks, or god forbid Eagles or Stars :D (And if you want a fun story, I can explain how I know that from second hand experience! B) Gotta love gung-ho grunt USMC )

rockers i don't have to worry about, railroad tracks usually come to me for help as for the eagles and stars i avoid those( i am just one of those shield wearing guys) as far as the go army beat navy/go navy beat army thing its amusing, and some people take it way serious but i have not watched a sports game in some time so it doesn't really bother me

Sir Patrick:
Welcome to the forum!

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: moch on 2013-07-02, 00:57:33 ---rockers i don't have to worry about, railroad tracks usually come to me for help as for the eagles and stars i avoid those( i am just one of those shield wearing guys) as far as the go army beat navy/go navy beat army thing its amusing, and some people take it way serious but i have not watched a sports game in some time so it doesn't really bother me

--- End quote ---

that's great!
and as for the rivalry, we're all on the same ship once we're in country, sailing the same flag.  I know plenty of boys that have saved my friend's butts that weren't in their same branch and we're grateful for it!

I've had some fun at the university, the Old Man asked me to keep an ear to the ground so to speak, and it was fun taking those boys aside and telling them the cold hard truths about Air Force vs Army.  We all need each other.

have fun here, looking forward to your contributions!

B. Patricius


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