Main > The Great Hall

hail and well met

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Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Moch (Tim) and welcome to the forum!

Ah the grand yet good natured rivalry between Army and Navy - I will abstain from that particular discourse as I served with both the Army and the Navy's estranged yet competent second cousin the Coast Guard. - Navy has nicer ships! ;)

Sir Wolf:
hahahah welcome! and pics or ban of your current rig ;) jk

Lord Dane:
Welcome to the forum.

this is not the most current version, i have added linen garb, toggle shoes, and winnengas but here is my last pic(after i make it smaller)
waiting on chain mail, the leather bauldric for my scabbard, my seax, my belt, and a few other notionals. 

Welcome Tim!

I do believe we spoke on Facebook about arm harnesses on the Heavy Combat group.


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