Main > The Armoury

Poleaxe and Falchion

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The longbow cache found in the Mary Rose excavation suggest a typical draw length of 30", which isn't unreasonable. Depending on his arm length, a natural draw to chin of 30" is plausible. For me 30" is to cheek, but i'm not a big guy. I would love to have his consistency with a longbow. I can do similar with a compound but my trad bow skills are spotty at best.

One good thing Kevin illustrates in that video is the shooting of the English Longbow in a horizontal short range fashion.  In the movies, you always see archers arcing their arrow shots in long range volleys.  While I'm sure this happened, if you look at the contemporary artwork during the Hundred Years War the archers are almost always depicted shooting flat trajectory volleys at shorter range.  This would be devastatingly powerful since the arrow still hasn't lost the majority of it's energy by the time it would impact it's target.  It's something overlooked quite frequently now-a-days I think.


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