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12th century and under leg armor

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Where & when? 12th & under means eventually you hit Rome & Greece. Can you give us a place & century?

BTW this is my 9th cen kit at the moment. I'm in the blue pants.

Maille chausses work for 12-13th century but that's about as early as they go it seems. William the Conqueror is the only person wearing mail leggings on the bayeux tapestry if I remember correctly, which covers the Battle of Hastings (1066). This would indicate that at that time, mail leggings would be a luxury that very few would be using. Pretty much everyone else on the tapestry goes without leg defense. They could have potentially relied on their long kite shields to cover this aspect.

Sir Ulrich:
12th century all you have is maille mostly tie in the back ones too, late 13th you start to get plate on the knees and in a few examples schynbalds. Thats is currently what I am doing. I have a set of 12th century maille chausses however with the tie in the back. I was considering selling them to get full ones but my legs are too thin to fit in the off the rack ones so I am just gonna keep them. I do suggest getting padding under them though.

B. Patricius:
my Templar persona is late 12th early 13th century.  Mail is indeed your friend.

For my kit, which to fight in the Adrian Empire requires more stringent armour than period, will have hidden knees, cuisses and greaves.  Basically I'm making my legs very similar to 14th century in that the greaves, cuisses and knees are all attached, but the splints are hidden underneath a layer of canvas that's channled to appear to be gamboised.  The "hinge" is my low profile DonJoy knee braces.  Over that goes my mail chausses.  My hope is that it looks as good as I can get it to period with the extra armour.  Worst case scenario, my sleeveless surcoat or habit.cappae will help to hide it all. 

Thanks for all the helpful info and tips guys I really appreciate it!


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