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12th century and under leg armor

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Hey guys,

I'm currently looking for some information and pictures of types of leg armor from the 12th century and under. I would like something that has shin and knee protection. I added some pictures of ones I have found so far.


Neither of those pictures are accurate for your period of interest.  The second one (the non-etched one) is pure fantasy. During the 1100's the standard for leg protection was maille, as it will be from then until about the mid 14th century.  The only plate on the legs we see is around the 2nd quarter of the 13th century when plate knee poleyns start to show up on effigies around 1227ish. 

Greaves (lower leg defense) don't really show up with any frequency until the first quarter of the 14th century.  If you're interested in splinted leg defenses you might want to look in to shifting your focus to the 14th century, or if you really prefer the crusading era of the 12th century, you want to be looking at a full harness of maille, and pretty much only maille (with the exception of the helmet).

Sir Wolf:
ya, mail is your friend. sorry but thats it :(

Sir Brian:
Hello and welcome to the forum!  :)

Ack! I’m too slow again!
Anyways, Sir Ian and Sir Wolf are absolutely correct! Although the first picture is a sweet knee cop and splinted greaves combination they wouldn’t be plausible for a 12th century or earlier harness as in that time frame the legs were protected entirely with maille. Even the link to a study of 600 English effigies starting at 1300 showed maille as the predominant leg armor.

Thanks for the quick replies guys :).  Would padded chausses and a cop sewn in the knee be plausible (I added a picture to the main post)? Didn't the romans use plate leg protection, why did it take so long for others to start using plate armor other than helmets?


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