Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Happy Fathers Day

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Hrolfr on 2013-06-23, 13:32:02 ---In 8 years, I will have both my son and daughter be able to step upon the list with me (SCA).  Both fight boffer now.

THAT would be a rush for a then 58 year old phart  ;D

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Awesome :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-06-23, 18:46:47 ---
--- Quote from: Hrolfr on 2013-06-23, 13:32:02 ---In 8 years, I will have both my son and daughter be able to step upon the list with me (SCA).  Both fight boffer now.

THAT would be a rush for a then 58 year old phart  ;D

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Awesome :)

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Nice :)

I fight against my step-dad & mom now. The most recent Crown finals had a 2nd gen royal peer.

I some day hope to have children to fight against me in the lists. :)

B. Patricius:
Huzzah and very well said Sir Wolf!

As an adopted father, I can say there is no greater joy and fulfilling life, than being a Dad.  All of a sudden, everything my Father did makes a whole lot more sense now.  I also love how at not even 3, little half-pint is playing with me working on my hauberk, wanting her own garb, and playing with her friend's toy bow and arrows.


--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-06-27, 00:58:50 ---Huzzah and very well said Sir Wolf!

...there is no greater joy and fulfilling life, than being a Dad.  All of a sudden, everything my Father did makes a whole lot more sense now...

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This is indeed true.  I could have never ever understood how awesome it feels to have a child until I actually did.  Nothing can prepare you for the feeling, and it is without a doubt the most fulfilling thing a person can experience.  I found that it is not until you have a child that you can even begin to understand how much your parents really love you.  Not only do you feel the most profound sense of love toward your child, but it really makes you appreciate your own parents a whole lot more because you finally understand how they felt and what they really meant when they said they love you.


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