Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Happy Fathers Day
Sir Wolf:
to all those knights, squires and yeomen that have taking on the great task of being a dad. May you have the most uplifted day and may this be a day to have pride in your work as your children gather to you.
and to those that are not fathers may you have a blessed time or remembrance of your fathers or father figure
Lord Chagatai:
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Sir James A:
Sir William:
That was well said, Sir Wolf and I echo those sentiments. Huzzah to all who are Fathers for this day is yours to be cherished and remembered (as if every other day were any different).
In 8 years, I will have both my son and daughter be able to step upon the list with me (SCA). Both fight boffer now.
THAT would be a rush for a then 58 year old phart ;D
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