Main > The Great Hall

Hail, good knights

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B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-06-15, 05:53:30 ---I think all we have is Amtguard at the moment for boffer stuff, and the local crew is nice but isn't so skilled combat wise last time I fought them (20 wins, 0 losses and I'm a mid-level SCA West Kingdom fighter).

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smells like you're bragging a bit there Thorsteinn.

Huzzah and well met MacDimm good brother!  It's nice to see another member here that follows the Holy Orders... even if you are the wrong one  ;) ;D

all kidding aside, if you need help with research and portraying a Hospitalier, let me know.  I know a bunch of guys that do it to the level of accuracy that astounds me.  Not to say you aren't on the proper path, your avatar looks great! 

fair winds and following seas brother
B. Patricius

Thorsteinn, we have Amtguard out here as well. We have a couple people that come and crossgame with us but most Amtguard people don't stick around long. Dag/Bel is a lot more physical game; weapons are heavier and sturdier by design, no magic, face shots are legal with airborne weapons, and people tend to hit a lot harder in general. Different strokes for different folks as they say.

Sir Brian:
Hail and welcome to the forum MacDimm. I have a good friend that was one of the original founders of Darkon and in recent years he started up a new group called Dragonsclaw which is pretty much like what Dagorhir seems to be about.  :)

IMO such clubs are just as valid as any other martial art club or group as all have three universal attributes that one must learn to be successful in any martial art which is Balance, Tempo and Measure.  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-06-15, 11:59:54 ---universal attributes that one must learn to be successful in any martial art which is Balance, Tempo and Measure.  ;)

--- End quote ---


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