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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up  (Read 37562 times)

Sir Edward

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Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« on: 2013-06-05, 15:37:10 »

Beta applications are open for Elder Scrolls Online. I never played the previous games, except for a little bit of Skyrim (didn't get far before getting distracted by other shiny objects), but I always enjoy a good MMO.

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #1 on: 2013-06-05, 15:41:05 »
They're the best modern RPG's this side of Baldur's Gate / Planescape Torment / Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale.  Signing up for the beta as we speak! 
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #2 on: 2013-06-05, 15:43:30 »
I love the ES games...well, the console version.  I'm assuming this is for the PC crowd- you gotta let me know how that goes!
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #3 on: 2013-06-05, 19:40:12 »
I love the ES games...well, the console version.  I'm assuming this is for the PC crowd- you gotta let me know how that goes!

Seriously!  I love Skyrim.  I'm more a fan of Bioware's storylines though, I care more about the characters in DragonAge and Mass Effect.  But, Elder Scrolls is amazing, and a great universe too.  Let me know how it goes!  My knight is already trying to convince me to build me a computer because of The Old Republic and EVE, if Elder Scrolls is any good, I might just have to give in.
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Sir William

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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #4 on: 2013-06-05, 20:56:29 »
Dragon Age was a great game, albeit wayyyy too much reading, loved DA2 because all of the dialog was spoken.  I think I played that game thru at least 4 times, while DAO I played thru twice.

I think I fell more for Skyrim's world than anything else...there was so much to explore and it was starkly beautiful.  I think one of my favorite areas was Blackreach...talk about an alien sub-world.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #5 on: 2014-01-30, 00:10:47 »

So has anyone had a chance to try out the beta? They just opened pre-orders, and I'm curious if it's worth it. I assume it is, since they have a great lineage of games, from what I understand.

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #6 on: 2014-01-30, 00:44:06 »
Yes.  Huge Elder Scrolls fan here... not impressed with the beta of ESO.  Too MMO, not enough ES. 
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #7 on: 2014-01-30, 01:27:07 »
YES!! Getting it for playstation 4! Alright guys, lets start forming a group. I'll be the sword and shield since that is my favourite combo for all elder scrolls games, preferably heavy armor. Sir Edward, you must play elderscrolls! You all are looking at a child who played Oblivion 6 hours a day every day and never once did I get bored. I have 59/60 achievements in that game! The last one was become head of the theives guild and i screwed it up. Part of my bucket list is to beat it! My god I am having a complete nerdgasm...
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #8 on: 2014-01-30, 03:48:07 »
Elder scrolls are an awful game series.
If you keep reading you see that I was lying.
I love Elder scrolls. Can't wait for this game!
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #9 on: 2014-01-30, 04:15:57 »
Yes.  Huge Elder Scrolls fan here... not impressed with the beta of ESO.  Too MMO, not enough ES.

Like Neverwinter?
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #10 on: 2014-01-30, 14:06:57 »
Yes.  Huge Elder Scrolls fan here... not impressed with the beta of ESO.  Too MMO, not enough ES.

Like Neverwinter?

I actually liked the Neverwinter beta better.  I played it a lot longer that's for sure.  ESO feels like it's trying to force classes and class based skills into Elder Scrolls, which was one of the cool things about ES, you could do what you wanted and get better at those things.  I felt like my character was just like everyone else's character, chasing the same quests etc, just like every other MMO.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #11 on: 2014-01-30, 14:22:38 »
I actually liked the Neverwinter beta better.  I played it a lot longer that's for sure.  ESO feels like it's trying to force classes and class based skills into Elder Scrolls, which was one of the cool things about ES, you could do what you wanted and get better at those things.  I felt like my character was just like everyone else's character, chasing the same quests etc, just like every other MMO.

That is disappointing. Maybe I'll sit this one out. I played the Neverwinter beta for a while, but didn't proceed with it after launch. I was really hoping ESO would be more like Skyrim. I'd love a good classless MMO, with a more sandboxy or free-form character progression.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #12 on: 2014-01-30, 16:17:34 »
Huh...that's a shame. It looks like it could be interesting, but I don't know. Even from what little I've seen about it, something just seems off. I'm a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series and lore, and the idea of having (eventually, tentatively) all of Tamriel open to explore is really appealing to me. But at the same time, I'm not really big on MMOs or multiplayer in general. LotRO's about the only MMO I've ever really been able to get into, and even then I spend most of my time adventuring alone.
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #13 on: 2014-01-30, 17:33:53 »
I've played a lot of MMOs over the years, and often circle back on some of them when they have expansions. I play all of the WoW expansions, for example, but once I use up the new quests and hit the new level cap, I unsubscribe again.

I looked at the ESO classes a little, and it's interesting that they're saying it sets a few of the skill trees for you, but there are many others that are open to everyone, and the gear is not class specific either. So it looks like they're still aiming for more customization than many other MMOs.

This video is old, so it's probably a bit out of date:

Anyway, part of me is still tempted. I haven't played through any of the other Elder Scrolls games, so I'd be coming in fresh.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Elder Scrolls Online, beta sign-up
« Reply #14 on: 2014-01-30, 19:12:01 »

General character progression overview:

Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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