Main > The Armoury

12th/13th century riveted mail hauberk and chausses - Knight's Templar kit

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Sir Edward:

Wow, good luck! I made my own hauberk, but with just simple butt-links, and it took quite a long time. I didn't go through the whole hammering, riveting,  annealing, etc. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I cannot wait to see this completed!  If you stay the course this will be one heck of a hauberk when it's all done!

Sir Brian:
WOW! You are by far the better and more patient armorer than I could ever be good B. Patricius!  :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-06-28, 15:43:05 ---I cannot wait to see this completed!  If you stay the course this will be one heck of a hauberk when it's all done!

--- End quote ---

Seconded! And glad to see you got a camera. Perhaps Sir Wolf will lower the ban stick for a while.

Sir Wolf:
i put it on a lanyard so it's never far........ lol



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