Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
warm well wishes for one of my instructors
Sir William:
Same here man...its scary when they can't tell you what the problem is.
B. Patricius:
Thank you everyone for all your warm wishes and prayers.
Well, right now, they still haven't figured out what's wrong, but we're thinking along the lines of blood pressure. Like when you take blood thinners, like motrin or tylenol, and you get up too quick and get lightheaded, just way worse. He's also retaining a bunch of water weight, which is also a sign of this. Here's hoping it's something like Sir Edward said, just because that particular cause was related to sex, doesn't mean much. Plenty of blood pressure, adrenaline, and other stimulants related to that! It could be something like that, and we're thinking it may be. Thanks again Sir Edward for sending me that link. I sent it over to John for him and his specialists to look into, and it did help out tremendously.
The good news, is that they haven't figured out what's wrong. There's already been quite a few tests done that don't show anything, like heart attack, stroke, etc. So that's good news.
Also, I just finished talking with John. Still in high spirits, still joking around. And the best news, the food is good. Gotta hate it when the hospitals have crappy food! Here's hoping they can figure it out. I'm hoping it's just a bad imbalance because of the different medications he's on, and everything gets cleared up.
Again, thank you everyone. John is truly a knight that we all can aspire to be like. He adopts family like a cat lady going into Petsmart, and always knows how to give something, anything to help. I just hope we can all help back in return. One of my priests growing up asked me something when we were talking about tithing, "which has more significance? A broke family who gives their dollar to collection every Sunday, or a rich family?" That is John.
Lord Chagatai:
Thoughts and prayers are coming from New Mexico...
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Best hopes for him. :)
B. Patricius:
Hey everyone,
I just want to say how appreciated it is all the warm wishes, prayers, and good thoughts that you have shared towards my instructor. The good news: he's home and on the mend. There's still some more operations to go through, but the worst is over. Best news, we had archery practice today at his house again, he was in funny (drugged) spirits and his heart is still pure and strong. Also, the drama that may have antagonized the issue, has passed which is good. As Sir Edward said in his post about that stress induced stroke-like symptoms... we think he nailed it on the head! The pressure of things going on just got to him, which happens to someone who cares so much about so many.
Please continue to give your amazing moral support, it's very appreciated. I showed him this thread today, and it brought him to tears of joy. He was really excited I found a great community online that cares for one another.
Again, I think without posting this to begin with, we may still have been working to solve the problem. Sir Edward, many thanks to you sir for this wonderful community and finding that article. You are truly a Grandmaster Knight in my eyes.
may the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your backs, and may you be in Heaven for three days before the Devil knows your dead
Yours in Service
Brother Patricius
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