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Interesting website

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Lord Dane:
Came across this website surfing...

Sir William:
Nice find, Dane.  We should add that to the list of links for the Marshal.  One thing about effigies...I wonder how stylized they are, as opposed to being anthropologically correct in size.  I mean they all look relatively slender and small to wear all of the war gear they had to back then.  Of course size is relative to time I guess.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-05-23, 15:13:44 ---Came across this website surfing...

--- End quote ---

Great find! I've added a link to it from the "William Marshal" page on the Order website.

Sir Wolf:

B. Patricius:
That's a really cool website link.  Good find!

my only problem with the whole thing is this:

I mean, come on... it's wicked cool they included William Marshall in the movie... but that "ring-plate-thingy" of the victorian era... hasn't that been shown to be a piece of fantasy?


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