Thanks Patricius!
The Book of Kings is significantly smaller and more recenty published than Old Testament Miniatures. They are both hardcover books, paperback seems very scarce.
Old Testament Miniatures has gone under various releases over the last 80 years (written in the 30s) and there is even word that it was released in small numbers with leather binding, fancy.

Some versions of it have omitted parts (comments and footnotes, etc) and others don't, but all copies seem to have the complete folios.
In other words, if unhepful Amazon descriptions and other loons on the internet can be trusted, you're safe buying any copy of Old Testament Miniatures but nobody has a clue about The Book of Kings. Unless you particularly want all of the original notes and writings by the people who participated in Old Testament Miniatures, any copy will probably do.
But I'm not satisfied with that. And don't you even get me started on Bodley 764!