Main > The Armoury

Some new acquisitions

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B. Patricius:
That's a great looking kit there Sir William!  I've always been a fan of the splint/studded transitional armor.

I really like the blueing.  WCA definitely makes some nice stuff.  My buddies around me put the legs on first, followed by the COP, followed by the arms.  The COP is definitely something that takes time and practice to get on by yourself.  ;D  I was spinning around like a drunken monkey my first try!

Sir Wolf:
ok ok no ban for you. FOR ONLY ONE MONTH. that stuff is awesome. i can't wait till it's all together. now you REALLY need greaves. no kit looks more unfinished to me then one that does not have greaves.

man so cool! so happy for your armour goodness

Sir Ulrich:
Looking nice, I like the coat of plates especially. I want to see it all together fully armored.

Sir William:
Sir James, thanks- that isn't even the helm it goes on as I'm waiting on that to get back to me.  I think its really going to rock but there's things missing- it won't be ready til MDRF but I can wait.  I think it's going to be pretty awesome- and as complete a kit as I've ever put together.

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-23, 20:05:53 ---ok ok no ban for you. FOR ONLY ONE MONTH. that stuff is awesome. i can't wait till it's all together. now you REALLY need greaves. no kit looks more unfinished to me then one that does not have greaves.

man so cool! so happy for your armour goodness

--- End quote ---

Yea, the lack of greaves is glaring- but not so bad when I'm wearing the admittedly anachronistic tall boots.  So should they be plate greaves or splint, and if splint, does it matter whether those splints or internal or external?

Sir Wolf:
i would get to match if it were me, but i've seen effigies where they were different.


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