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Author Topic: Is this normal in a HEMA tourney?  (Read 8517 times)


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Is this normal in a HEMA tourney?
« on: 2013-05-17, 00:14:57 »
Is this normal visavie the twitching, bad flow, and bouncing?
I counted at least three blows landed while either the striker or receivers feet were both off the ground. Do you think turn shoes would have helped with the footwork & to cut down on the bouncing?

« Last Edit: 2013-05-17, 01:29:21 by Thorsteinn »
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Sir Brian

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Re: Is this normal in a HEMA touney?
« Reply #1 on: 2013-05-17, 00:45:41 »
Well understand that I've only been doing WMA for 2.5 years and haven't been around a great deal in the greater HEMA/WMA community but I have observed several people fight in this manner with a lot of the twitching and bouncing. One of the best fighters from MASHS does a great deal of linear moments with much more fluid bobbing and weaving but definitely not twitching. I've never liked the bouncing or twitching even when I did Karate/Ju Jitsu as I always considered it an unnecessary waste of energy although others claim it keeps your muscles charged up. I suppose it is akin to the arguments for and against thoroughly stretching prior to any athletic activity which I don't pay much attention to either and never had a muscle cramp up or pulled.  :-\
« Last Edit: 2013-05-17, 11:49:53 by Sir Brian »
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a Gryphon Segreant Or

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Sir James A

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Re: Is this normal in a HEMA tourney?
« Reply #2 on: 2013-05-21, 20:27:41 »
"Style doesn't matter. What works is what's important."
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Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Joshua Santana

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Re: Is this normal in a HEMA tourney?
« Reply #3 on: 2013-05-31, 13:27:36 »
I would say no.  This looks more like nerves reacting to the visual intensity of the fight.  I know this because it happened to me once and it wasn't a good feeling.  On the other hand that is also their way of feeling their opponent out to find a tempo to exploit their opening. 
Knight of The Lion Blade

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Sir James (Fiat Lux)

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Re: Is this normal in a HEMA tourney?
« Reply #4 on: 2013-06-20, 21:40:52 »
I've seen similar movements in olympic-style fencing. The theory is that the constant motion improves mobility. In a sword-tag type of match, that would prove true. It's a bit different when you need to actually impart power to the strike. Look at Boxing vs. sport karate. In sport karate, it's a matter of simply landing a blow. Boxing requires sufficient force, which is all generated by one's linkage to the ground.