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Author Topic: inspiration and reference I:33 and earlier medieval/crusades martial arts  (Read 22578 times)

B. Patricius

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Unfortunately the link that was associated with it, when I posted it to Pinterest, is now defunct.  It sucks too, because it was very "experimental archaeology/living history based" with archaeological reference and evidence.  Basically a blueprint for a period kite shield almost, and I was ecstatic.  Alas, it's gone now, but I will try to use my google-fu mojo and find it or something like it once more  8)
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Joshua Santana

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Sir Edward is right as I also have attempted sword and buckler techniques, they work and the versatility is amazing.  I also have tried out Bolognese sword and rotella and the techniques do work although certain agility is needed if one intend to bout in it.

As for sword and heater shield, I can only say this.  The chance of it existing is 1 out of 10.  If the Poem of Pell describes how Knights fought with Sword and Heater shield, then there is your evidence.  However sword and buckler is the closest thing to crusader martial arts.   

Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et Spirítui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.

B. Patricius

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I'm confused Mr. Santana what you mean about "
As for sword and heater shield, I can only say this.  The chance of it existing is 1 out of 10.

do you mean as far as written documents are concerned or the martial art as a whole?  I have little doubt the martial art exists, whether or not anyone today will be able to attain it, or learn it's classical style is definitely one that depends.
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
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Joshua Santana

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Patricius:  I meant 1 out of 10 in regards to documentation, like you I do not deny the existence of it.   
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et Spirítui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.

B. Patricius

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gotcha  :)

I just wanted it clarified in case you knew something I didn't know.  We do have treatises and such from the period as far as how the knights moved together in formations of cavalry, from the Knights Templar: "La Régle du Temple."  I just wish there was some form of something like this that also pertained to how the Franks fought with sword and shield. 

the good news:  my Knight instructor in the Adrian Empire has worked rather extensively in both classical texts and "current middle ages" ways.  He and I were discussing sword and shield this past week and I plan on discussing it with him again today.  He believes the kite shield was used primarily on horseback, or in large war formations where you would have a buddy at your side, whereas the heater when it was invented, was invented for the sole purpose of handling ones opponent "mano y mano."  He was telling me that where the kite sits on ones person, the rounded top works very well from horseback, however when on foot, it seems to more or less get in the way.

I'm hoping over the next few weeks we'll be able to create a couple shields and start working with them and see how they move.  When I was discussing I:33 with him, he definitely had an evil glint in his eye, which for me, is always a good thing.
"Be open with your thoughts, Be witty with your humor, Be kind with your words, Be sensible in your acts." - Lord Dane
Never theorize before you have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
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