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Swordfest 2013, May 17-19

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Sir Brian:
Yeah but it would have well been worth it to attend Jessica's and Jake's sessions I'm sure!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2013-05-21, 01:12:47 ---Yeah but it would have well been worth it to attend Jessica's and Jake's sessions I'm sure!

--- End quote ---

Absolutely. I'm really sorry I missed those. I wanted to get over there this year, but man, I ended up not having time to even gather my gear up for VARF the next day. There was no way I could squeeze it in.

Maybe next year.

Last time I went, nearly all of the demos were really good. While the Eastern arts are not my area of specific interest, they're still fascinating and well executed.

Sir Wolf:
i really need to get into the sword aspect of stuff. every time i think about reading the sword books i get bored and get online lol. there's no groups up here. most don't even know what a sword is let alone a book that has the instructions for one.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it's hard when no one else is around. But often that's how study groups get started. A couple of guys and a book. The trick is finding someone close by who wants to learn it.


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