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Swordfest 2013, May 17-19

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Sir Edward:

I keep forgetting to mention this one. It's been several years since I've gone. Here's the FB event:

I'm tempted to go for a little while on Saturday. Sunday I'm planning on going to VARF, and I'd rather not brave the Friday night traffic for just a few seminars, as cool as they will be. Jake Norwood and Jess Finley will be doing demos on Saturday, which I'd like to see. But it's also a nice opportunity to see demos of some of the eastern arts too, which is what the event was originally created for.

--- Quote ---SwordFest 2013

Date -

May 17-19, 2013

Location -

Capital Area Budokai
25 South Quaker Lane
Alexandria VA

A gathering of the various Sword Communities in the US. Offering both Demonstrations and Seminars during the 3 days of SwordFest. With groups representing Japanese, European, and Chinese Sword arts.

Vendors will be at SwordFest Demonstration day. May 18, 2013. Aoi Budogu, Patrick Hastings of Tagane Arts, and Katsujinken Magazine will be among those present.

Please RSVP for Seminars to

Schedule of Demonstrations

9:45 - Opening Remarks
10 - Dr. Frederick Little and Ms. Beth Johnson - Shutokukan - Toda-ha Bukō-ryū
10:30 - Jacob Norwood German LongSword
11 - Dr David Hall - Hobyokan - Jikishinkage Ryu
11:30 - Kyle Kim - Byakkokan - Toyama Ryu Battoujutsu
12 - LUNCH
12:30 - LUNCH
1 - David Drawdy - Kenkonkai - Nakamura Ryu Battodo
1:30 - Dan Pearson - Capital Area Jodokai - Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo
2 - Jessica Finley - Armored LongSword Combat
2:30 - Paul Manogue - Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho
3 - Andrew Delikta - Furyukan - Shin Shin Ryu
3:30 - Raymond Sosnowski - Northern Virginia Tendokan - Tendo Ryu Naginatajutsu
4 - Hunter Lonsberry - Capital Area Budokai Kendo - Kendo
4:30 - Closing Comments

Schedule of Seminars

Friday Seminars

7pm to 8:30pm - Jacob Norwood - German LongSword
7pm to 8:30pm - Raymond Sosnowski - Shakuhachi
7pm to 8:30pm - Andrew Delikta - Shin Shin Ryu


9am to 10:30am - Angelo Garcia - Lightning Scientific Arnis - Filipino Bladework
9am to 10:30am - Hunter Lonsberry - Seitei Iai
10:30am to 12pm - Raymond Sosnowski - Atararashii Naginata
--- End quote ---

Sir Edward:

Well, looks like I may be skipping it again this year. Oh well.

Just way too much to do tomorrow.

Sir Brian:
Yeah I would have liked to go to this but like you I will have to wait until next year.  :'(

Sir James A:
I'll be missing it as well. I hope nobody cuts through a tank with a katana. I'd hate to miss that. ;)

I can't believe I missed this. It's like 15 minutes from my house. Well, it seems like the vast majority of this deals with Eastern swords and techniques, in which I have almost no interest. Still it would have been a good day. Next year!


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