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Back Scabbards: was: inspiration and reference I:33

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Lord Dane:
Kind of off topic but ... how time period authentic is a back scabbard for a broadsword fro say a 13th-14th century kit??  :-\


--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-05-09, 22:03:24 ---Kind of off topic but ... how time period authentic is a back scabbard for a broadsword fro say a 13th-14th century kit??  :-\

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If by back scabbard you mean a sword suspended across your back, it's never authentic.

Sir Wolf:
but it was in braveheart!!


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-05-09, 23:44:12 ---but it was in braveheart!!

--- End quote ---

lol, and William Wallace was 8 feet tall!  Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning... from is arse!!

Lord Dane:
Found this reference regarding suspended swords on the back:

However in "The Ancient Celts" by Barry Cunliffe, on page 94 of that book, Professor Cunliffe writes,"All these pieces of equipment [shields, spears, swords, mail armour], mentioned in the texts, are reflected in the archaeological record and in the surviving iconography, though it is sometimes possible to detect regional variations. Among the Parisii of Yorkshire, for example, the sword was sometimes worn across the back and therefore had to be drawn over the shoulder from behind the head."


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