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Author Topic: Crossbow(s) for sale or trade  (Read 4777 times)

Sir Wolf

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Crossbow(s) for sale or trade
« on: 2013-04-27, 14:56:17 »

http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z76/ ... 97d689.jpg

$125/20 shipping in the US for the above , got a picture while the sun was out but will come finished in Watco clear and I usually add a wood piece to help hold the bolt

Made of cherry , nominally 80 draw at 6-1/4 inch though this prod feels abit heavier then normal , need to check it with my scale later

will include 3 target bolts and works with Baldar and UHMW blunts

was going to stick this up on ebay but figure I'd post here instead

I do build many other patterns of crossbows ... including the Chinese Repeater ... and even a combat version of that ..
http://s193.photobucket.com/user/Lord_K ... 1227035238

Need to refill the coffers abit and reorder prods but I am also interested in trades as I am needing to assemble armor for this season - interested in a 15th century kit , but with the right helm I may go Viking/Saxon/Germanic ... but prefer building that as a living history impression ... not rattan fighting .. other then Maile and some splinted Bracers I need a full kit ..

wow great deal. i wish i had the cash.

B. Patricius

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Re: Crossbow(s) for sale or trade
« Reply #1 on: 2013-04-27, 21:39:21 »
Sir Wolf,
those are some beautiful crossbows!  Some of the links didn't work btw.  But I was able to see the gallery via the AA link.

very nice

B. Patricius
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