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Violence v. Sportsmanship

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--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-04-17, 00:54:16 ---
With that in mind, it's often a good idea to agree on a "power level" (or equivalent) in advance of the fight, IMHO.

--- End quote ---

I think this is the key.  If you're playing by any set of rules, the level of power or usable technique need be agreed upon before commencing combat.  This will leave less room for error, and both sides know what they're getting in to.  Battle of the Nations style combat for example commonly results in concussion, relatively serious injury, and a severed finger now and then.  But the guys participating know it's one of the most brutal forms of recreational combat on the planet.  The SCA uses calibration, and trains heavy list fighters to properly calibrate the blows used in their region (I say region because some kingdoms are known to hit harder than others).

Shield bashes are inherently dangerous because of the very nature of the technique.  It's one of those things that should probably be agreed upon before hand.  If you're used to restricting such techniques, and someone comes along you're unfamiliar with and breaks your collar bone, you can see how this can lead to trouble.

Sir Wolf:
i've fought vikingsUK style and such. its all based on blows that have enough force to give that wompf if hit but not kill mame or seriously hurt.  but you know the power level needed and not to exceed. cause remember the other guy has the same weapon you do, if you step it up so will he and someones bound to get hurt.

although lol, we did practices of fighter vs horse n rider, one guy missed his block and got cut below his lip,... lol he spit his chaw thru the hole lol. it healed with a cool scar.

Lord Tristin:
My problem  I believe is I was trained that sword and shield are one weapon, both for offense and defense. I have never intended to hurt anyone of course, but when you see na opening you tend to exploit it. maybe I just need more training.

Thank you all for insight and wisdom. I am getting back into medieval combat for fun and sport, to make friends and challenge myself.

I will quote the leader of St. Martin's Swordfighting academy. "We will never be as skilled as the men who fought in posterity, for they entered battle knowing if they lost, they died."

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Lord Tristin on 2013-04-17, 01:59:48 ---My problem  I believe is I was trained that sword and shield are one weapon, both for offense and defense. I have never intended to hurt anyone of course, but when you see na opening you tend to exploit it. maybe I just need more training.

Thank you all for insight and wisdom. I am getting back into medieval combat for fun and sport, to make friends and challenge myself.

I will quote the leader of St. Martin's Swordfighting academy. "We will never be as skilled as the men who fought in posterity, for they entered battle knowing if they lost, they died."

--- End quote ---

Each is a weapon used 'individually' and 'in sync' with the other. Both require skill to be effective in either a defensive or offensive state of readiness. Using your skill to exploit a perceived weakness or vulnerability is exactly why you train to be better than your opponent and what makes you a better fighter. Also, I beg to differ on why the 'men of old' are in any way different than ones today. Just because you are training in a different time period does not change the application. You would still use your training to survive the same if life-threatening circumstances presented themselves today. Most just don't have the willingness or mindset to do it instinctively because of legality, morality, and/or unwillingness to react.   

I really don't think it's a training issue here.  The incident you described could really be prevented in the future by simply adhering to the social conventions of fighting, especially with someone you've never met, trained with, and are otherwise unfamiliar with.  Certain things simply must be discussed and agreed upon prior to engaging in any inherently dangerous activity where safety is a priority.


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