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Greetings from the West Coast

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Sir Gerard, the praise of your brothers is well earned.

B. Patricius:

as a fellow "probie" on these forums I must say welcome and well-met!  I have read numerous other posts of yours and it never crossed my mind you could be new to this forum for your ways in chivalry are definitely noted.  Well met and well said

B. Patricius

Sir Edward:

Indeed, we've had several now folks on the forum this past week, who have jumped right in. I'm really enjoying this. :)


A most hearty welcome to you, though I myself as you have noted, have not been here for very long.

Thank you for the words, sir. Most kind.

While I have only been here on this forum for a very short time, my acquaintance with the ways of the Warrior-Gentleman is of a somewhat longer tenure. I belong to a Warrior tradition which I have been honored to serve since 1986, but like any person who has absorbed at least a little wisdom, I know that one should never be closed to new learning and new experiences. Once I arrived here and discovered the amazing things the fellows of the Order of the Marshal were doing I knew that there were things here worth learning - even by an old war-dog such as myself  ;) 

A man of wisdom could do well in seeking membership in such hale company, to be sure.

B. Patricius:
Couldn't have put that better myself Covus, very well said sir. 

Sir Edward, I think that's why it was easy for us to just "jump right in," this seems a very welcoming community, and I'm glad I found it via google of all crazy things looking for crusader references.


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