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Greetings from the West Coast

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So we can thus expect a pic of you at Antir-West War?

Welcome!  :)

Sir Edward:

What a wonderful introductory message! Welcome, and thank you! You will find that many of the folks here on the forum will wax philosophical at times, but the forum can also be very informal as well. That is one of the things I really cherish about this community, is that we can be both serious, and casual. Philosophical, historical, and yet engage in humor as well.

Greetings once again!

Thorsteinn; ah, no you probably won't ;). When I played in the SCA I tended to shun the more 'formal' subcultures in the society. I preferred to hang out with the barbarians and Vikings because they were a little less snooty and more likely to be living by real codes and not just play acting. I was known simply as Wulfgar and was better reckoned as a man-about-camp than a great banger of the rattan ;) As a Heavy I found after awhile that I tended to take the battle a might too seriously and men then tended to fall around me like wheat when I got too hot-headed. For me, having experienced the fight in the real world, I tend to go all in and forget I am play-fighting, this the preference for the conviviality of the camp ;)

Sir Nathan Q  Thank you for the welcome, sir. Most appreciated!

Sir Edward: Thank you, sir. I am most pleased to be here. I see what you say about the varying forms of communication on here - yet the one thing that really impresses me is that everyone on this forum seems so civil and polite!  Those who share here are really walking the talk and behaving like Knights. As I am sure you are aware this is a fantastically RARE thing on the internet these days. As one who has been a member of an Order for years I will tell you that this gentlemanly behavior instantly impresses.

As I may have mentioned in my first post I am, spiritually, a pagan person. I walk in the Old Ways and look to the Gods and spirits of the north for my spiritual guidance. As a result of this, like many I suspect have often sought the company of others similar to myself in belief. I have found a small number places on the internet and elsewhere, yet even in those few that really match my expectations I have yet to find a forum as civil as this one - which is a goodly mix of hale folk from numerous spiritual backgrounds.

To me that is really saying something powerful, so many Kudos to you and your fellowship for that!

I must say also that last evening I came upon the thread here in the forum where you first fellows were discussing the formation of the Order of the Marshal. I found that a fascinating read indeed - as one can see the gradual evolution of what we see before us here. Well met!   In my own case, the tradition I walk was founded in its current form in 1958. I was initiated into it in 1986 and when that happened the tradition was already there for me. Naturally, over time as I advanced I became a senior Master in the Order and had a hand in helping to keep my Order flexible and able to adapt to modern times.
However I imagine that being a Founder as you have been, is a really eye opening experience.

This is what has drawn me to the Order of the Marshal: You fellows seem very...well the only word I can think to describe it is, authentic.

Thanks all, for the fine welcome!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
True praise indeed Corvus, thank you for your kind words.
I am sure I speak for my brethren when I say that we are all very proud of what we have here, and even more so of our members who tirelessly work to keep this site, forum and brotherhood alive. Woe betide anyone who attempts to disrupt the feeling of peace and comradery that we all aspire to keep as the underlying backbone to these boards.

Sir you are more than welcome.


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