In one of my 400 level classes, we had a discussion about "anthropologically correct" versus "historical accuracy." It was really cool because one student in the class was a history major that took the class to get a more "objective perspective" as he put it. We ended up watching "Knight's Tale" after a discussion ensued, and I of course, having owned it.

Is it remotely historically accurate? Kind of

there were tournaments, Geoffrey Chaucer and Prince Edward did in fact exist, the Battle of Poitiers did happen, and the armour in one century or another was accurate to the archaeological record. But looking into that movie, with its music, the choice of name for William, his alter-ego "Sir Ulrich," etc, etc, is awesome. It's a contemporary film for a contemporary audience. It's easy for anyone to understand the gist of what's going on, and in fact has made my family better understand why I do what I do as a hobby. So, as a study of the "human condition" as us Anthropologists like to put it, it's a very very good movie.
Sorry, I could go on and on about that film.