Main > The Great Hall

Greetings from a seeker of kindred souls.

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I hope you find your stay enjoyable.  And we're not all business here either, we like to let our hair down and discuss other things from time to time :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2013-04-12, 18:43:56 ---I hope you find your stay enjoyable.  And we're not all business here either, we like to let our hair down and discuss other things from time to time :)

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"Yeah. It's like .. this one time ..  at 'Knight' camp..." :)

Welcome! Good first post, I too find myself disappointed with the generation I allegedly belong to... :P

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-16, 03:02:25 ---Welcome! Good first post, I too find myself disappointed with the generation I allegedly belong to... :P

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No need to feel disappointed Sir Nathan because you stand out amongst them.... it is for them to realize that they are the 'disappointment' (and not have others do it for them). If your generation exemplified even 1/2 of the values you do, we would be a strong nation again because faith and self-reflection would be prevalent and adjust the ways we live and think. 

B. Patricius:
From a probie myself,
I gotta say your time on the soap-box was very well deserved and well said!  Most of my generation has gotten lost to that technology and it's sad to say the younger generations are even worse!  I too had a problem with video games, some veterans go to drink, drugs, or worst - violence... mine was video games for two whole months.  It scares me how easily people can get lost in all this technology.

And it's true, all this technology for the most part has been used for is selfish gain at the expense of others.  Politics, religion, "friends", that "book of faces"... most of it is all doing with selfish, instant gratification.  As Brad Pitt said in "Fight Club;" "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy $*** we don't need."  luckily I was young enough when seeing that and "Office Space" it really struck home.

But then there is the good side of this technology too, this forum for one.  Facebook can as well keep people closer.  Any number of forums now where like-minded people, regardless of distance, time zone and even language can come together to celebrate what they enjoy. I just wish the rest of the world noticed that, instead of just shunning us as "nerds," "history buffs," or my personal favorite by my girlfriend's mother, "wack-jobs."  ::)


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