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Greetings from a seeker of kindred souls.

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Greetings one and all!

For many years now, I have been on a personal quest. A quest to find kindred spirits who believe as I do about chivalry, manhood, and the state of our modern society. Along my path I have met some wonderful people who "got it" but were not willing to "live it". It truly takes a certain kind of person to remain on a path of a chivalrous nature in today's hectic world full of immorality, temptations, and self absorption.

As a society, we have forgotten traditions, values, virtues, and respect. We no longer teach our children; we no longer parent; we are content to allow the future of our world sit in front of a TV, video game console, or even a cell phone and allow these inanimate objects to babysit our youth while we pursue pointless activities that have no value or benefit to society or the endless struggle for more material riches. We have forgotten the art of communication and the elegance of a hand written note. We have butchered our language to the point that we use letters and numbers in combination and by themselves to represent entire words simply because we are too lazy to spell the word out by touching a few extra keys.

We live in a time of instant communication; a time when an event on one side of the globe can be displayed on a video screen the size of a building or small enough to be nestled in our pocket on the opposite side of the world in a fraction of a second; and how do we use this nearly magical ability? Do we use it to promote the good people of the planet? To show the compassion of one neighbor to another? No. We focus on the negativity, the evils of the world and those who do the things displayed become instantly famous.

Our technology has become so advanced that we have people who live in fictional worlds and barely leave their homes save but for food. These people when out of their virtual reality, look to the ground as they pass you and never make eye contact. They live in a state of fear when in the real world. Offering a handshake or even a friendly greeting is like speaking a foreign language to them.

But what is even worse is that by all of our advancements in technology, we have pushed our society backwards to the point that we are almost barbarian tribes in regards to how we treat each other. Our advancements have desensitized us to all forms of violence and perversions and made us believe that what we are living with is the the norm. Today we watch the news and think nothing of it when only a few people were killed by someone. We only get outraged and upset when the numbers are more than what we consider almost acceptable. We allow our children's toys to glorify violence by awarding them points for the number of kills without teaching them the consequences of those actions.

I apologize for using my very first post here to ramble on and vent my frustrations with our society. I am relieved to finally find a group of individuals who share my feelings or whom can at least see and understand where I am coming from.

I hope to have many great conversations with all of you in the future.

Rhydderch aka Kevin Plummer


Sir Edward:

Hi there, and welcome to the forum! No worries about starting out with a "rant", as it's a great way to break the ice and get a conversation going.

Sir Wolf:

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Rhydderch!  :)

Truthfully speaking your mind here is and always will be encouraged and valued. I did not interpret your first post as a rant but more of a declaration that you are not to be counted among the narcissistic drones who plague our society today. To live a truly chivalrous life one starts first and foremost with a solid foundation based upon both humility and integrity. To possess the willingness and ability to honestly judge yourself, acknowledging your faults and endeavoring to overcome them.


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