Main > The Armoury

Bascinet Helm w/ Single Ocular

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Lord Dane:
I saw this in browsing & I must say... I LIKE IT. :) :) I WANT IT!!!! Thoughts????

Sir Wolf:

Sir Edward:

It looks really nice. I wonder how well it fits, how well the visor moves, etc.

It doesn't seem to have vervailles to attach and aventail.  That would really bother me.  I just see rivets along the edge, I guess you could drill out those rivets and replace with them with vervailles.  That thing needs to be scuffed up too, very shiny :)

It's also not a klappvisor.  It has a shovel face visor, but the attachment is side-hinges, which is interesting.  A klappvisor has a single attachment point centered above the visor.  The styling looks awesome though, I just wish it had an appropriate klappvisor hinge, vervailles and a less shiny finish.  I would pass and look for something more historically appropriate in shape and design.

There's something about the lines that just aren't sitting right with me.


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