Main > The Great Hall


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Sir James A:
Hail and well met, good Sir!

Sir William:
Welcome, Sir Steven...I too am somewhat familiar with your Order; perhaps one day we can all gather and seek what adventure there is afoot.

Sir Steven T.:
It certainly is my intention to seek out others and to share my enjoyment of this sport. I think it is just and right that some touneys and feasts should be held, and stories of valor shared.

Lord Dane:
Hail & welcome Sir Steven. :) Always good to see more veterans joining the forum ranks. From upstate NY?? I'm from Massachusetts. :) I frequent the New England Ren-faires including occasionally NY Ren-Faire in Tuxedo Park. Are you SCA as well?? I serve in the Barony of the Bridge. Hit me up & we'll talk, Good Sir.  ;D   

Well met good Sir!


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