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Sir Steven T.:
As my signature states, my name is Sir Steven Thompson. I am glad to be here. I am a knight in the Order of the Fiat Lux, a fraternal Order of Knights with many similarities to the Order of the Knights of the Marshal. It is good to others with the same ideals coming together in brotherhood, alike in ideals and in chivalry. I live in Rome , NY and I am the Leader of my chapter here. We fight with padded weapon and Live Steel. My Order is centered mostly in the SE, and there are only 3-4 of us up this far north, but we are always looking for quality people to grow our Order and also to "play" with. I believe firmly that Orders such as ours should come together and support the ideals of chivalry, and for the enjoyment of the "martial" aspects of what we do. Many of you are friends of mine on the Book of Face, and I hope that as time goes on we will become brothers in arms on the field. I am glad to be here and to make your aquaintence.

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Sir Steven! Welcome to the forum and many of us in the Order of the Marshal know and greatly admire your Order of the Fiat Lux! The original chapter in NC was a great inspiration for us in the Order of the Marshal!

Looking forward to your fellowship! :)

Sir Steven T.:
Thank you sir and well met!

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum! Oh yes, you'll find quite a few like-minded people here.

We were honored to bear witness at one of the knighting ceremonies of the Fiat Lux down that the Carolina renfaire a few years ago. A good upstanding group of people you have.

Sir Wolf:


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