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Eye dominance and fighting.

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I just realized that fighting right handed while being left eye dominant I may have been having some issues all along as a shieldman and even with a two handed weapon. I know that not knowing I was left eye dominant made shooting a pistol hard for years till I found out the truth.


Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-02-27, 02:26:28 ---I just realized that fighting right handed while being left eye dominant I may have been having some issues all along as a shieldman and even with a two handed weapon. I know that not knowing I was left eye dominant made shooting a pistol hard for years till I found out the truth.


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Understandable issue w/ shooting & line of sight to target involving eye dominance. However, seeing you would or should have both eye open in sword play, I fail to see the relevance. My eyes are both focused on my opponent not just one.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-02-27, 17:50:36 ---Understandable issue w/ shooting & line of sight to target involving eye dominance. However, seeing you would or should have both eye open in sword play, I fail to see the relevance. My eyes are both focused on my opponent not just one.

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I was going to say something similar. It can present real problems in shooting since you can only get line of sight on the gun's sights with one eye at a time. But when fighting, both eyes are seeing the same thing with only a minor perspective difference, so I don't think it matters. Unless you tend to wear an eye-patch over your dominant eye or something. :)

Sir William:
Even then, he'd still be able to see and land shots on his opponent.  Thorsteinn, have you noticed anything untoward in your fighting skills to date?

I just discovered that I actually have one eye that's rather nearsighted (left, the dominant one) and the other is farsighted. If that would affect swordsmanship, I think I would have noticed, since my favorite moves involve control of distance.


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