Main > The Armoury

Birthday Gift

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Sir William:
Excellent point, Sir James...find out what they like to use and get something along those lines- you want to be compatible with your group; you don't want them having to make changes on your behalf unless it is something related to medical or '-challenged' issues.


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-02-21, 14:12:09 ---I'd ask for equipment feedback from the people there. They'll have a lot more insight into what they do than we will, and could tell you about how suitable the helmet choices are.

--- End quote ---

Yes, definitely talk to them first.  They're equipment requirements may be totally different, and you don't want to buy a bunch of stuff you may not need or ever really use.  They will certainly have equipment there for you to use as a beginner to get a feel for what you need.  I wouldn't buy a thing before going to your first few lessons.


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